Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Miguel O'Hara
First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 (Vol. 1) #1, November 1992

Powers: Miguel O'Hara was originally a baseline human native to the year 2099 of Earth-928. A genius engineer, he was transformed into Spider-Man 2099 while trying to repair his genetic imprint from a hyper-addictive drug called Rapture that had been bonded to him. Miguel's attempt to use the transformation chamber from his Corporate Raider project to overlap his original genetic code onto the Rapture-modified one, however, was interrupted by a jealous co-worker who replaced Miguel's own genetic file with one designed to emulate the original Spider-Man, and increased the power levels to the maximum. As a result, Miguel gained his own version of the proportionate strength of a spider. He developed Class 10 strength, heightened speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, leaping abilities, balance and coordination. He also gained accelerated vision which allowed him to see in near darkness (though he became permanently sensitive to light) and extend his sight to telescopic magnitudes by concentrating. For wall-crawling, the he developed molecular talons which extended from the tips of his fingers and toes. Able to cut through virtually anything, these talons made lethal weapons and were curved at such an angle that he could scale vertical surfaces, piercing walls and ceilings and then supporting his weight. The talons could fold flat against his skin when not in use to become unnoticeable, and did so automatically as a protective reflex whenever he touched himself. O'Hara also developed spinnerets within his forearms that could squeeze out pressurized streams of organic webbing from the back of his hands when he contracted his muscles. The webbing seemed to be a duplicate of Peter Parker's in terms of tensile strength, elasticity, adhesiveness, and eventual dissolution. Finally, Spider-Man 2099 had a rarely used set of fangs in place of his canine teeth, filled with an adaptive venom that paralyzed his victims after entering their bloodstream. His costume was made of UMF (unstable molecule fabric), and he wore a patch of lytebyte cloth resembling webbing on his back, which could catch air currents and enable him to glide short distances.

After operating in the present, Miguel modified his M.O. somewhat. His personal A.I., Lyla (LYrate Lifeform Approximation), is housed in a wrist-mounted projector he wears at all times. Lyla contains a database of information from Miguel's time, as well as the ability to wirelessly interface with local systems to accumulate new data. She is capable of manifesting herself in a holographic projection, and can also project holograms for strategic purposes. Miguel uses Lyla's holograms to distract or divert his opponents in combat. In addition, Miguel regularly wears his UMF costume while merely having Lyla project a solid holographic image of street clothes over his body. To become Spider-Man 2099, then, he simply pulls on his mask and has Lyla disable the holographic clothes. After Secret Wars, Miguel upgraded his costume with the assistance of Parker Industries technology. The suit now functions like battle armor, with a Kevlar equivalent worked into the UMF to make it incredibly durable. His mask has GPS, radar, and wireless data feeds to access, as well as infrared vision capabilities. He can launch delayed explosion "spider-saucers" from his wrist arrays. Boot jets now increase his gliding abilities for virtually unaided flight. The jets are not very maneuverable, and are mostly designed for shooting him straight up off the ground to make use of the lytebyte material.

Miguel O'Hara holds a master's degree in genetics and is a genius in the field of genetic engineering.

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