Tuesday, June 22, 2021




Real Name: Inapplicable (alias "Hollow")
First Appearance: Generation X (Vol. 1) #1, November 1994

Powers: The Penance body reacts to negative energy in the environment. This apparently refers to negative emotional energy, much like Polaris' secondary mutation, and so her powers are a defense mechanism against people who might do her harm. By internalizing negative energy, Penance causes her mass to compress and restrict around her bones, creating an atrophied look. This transformation gives her skin a dark red coloration, which also making it razor sharp and diamond hard. Even resting her palm against a tree is enough to tear into its bark, and the fact that her fingers, toes, and hair are formed into pointed claws makes her quite lethal, and capable of cutting into most substances below the Marvel super-metals. Her body may also have a limited light absorbing effect, rendering her abnormally difficult to see in darkness. Though Penance maintained her indestructible body almost the entire time, there was one instance of her skin apparently softening and reverting to normal.

*Penance I was Monet St. Croix (M), II was the M Twins. The Penance body first appeared in Generation X #1. It was only after all three St. Croix girls had left the body that it was discovered that it had a mind of its own. Fairly recently, Monet revealed she had reclaimed the ability to become Penance at will and she identified it as her codename again*

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