Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Edward Van Beethoven-Osako
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 (Vol. 1) #1, October 1993

Powers: Metalhead is a ferromorph, his mutant ability is to absorb and mimic the properties of any metallic substance he makes physical contact with.

He gains varying levels of superhuman strength and invulnerability in the process. After his metallic state was infected with a bio-engineered virus from Contagion, Metalhead physically mutated into a state of pure metal alloy (a flowing mixture of gold, Adamantium, and steel) with sloping arms, a bald head directly atop his shoulders, three fingers on each hand and only two toes on each foot. He was permanently trapped in this state and could not use his mutant ability. His power later returned, and he absorbed the extraordinarily durable metallic hull of an intergalactic vessel and used it as his default state from then on.

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