Sunday, June 27, 2021



ABYSS (AOA Version)

Real Name: Nils Styger
First Appearance: X-Men: Alpha (Vol. 1) #1, February 1995

Powers: Abyss’s mutation allows him to transform the substance of his entire body so that it unravels as elastic coils of high-tensile strength material. The wrappings stretch out as they unravel, giving him an extended reach and can be used to entangle and constrict around people and objects from a distance. This also completely changes the way his body can be harmed, for any sort of physical force directed at him merely causes his coils to flex with the impact and shoot back into place unharmed. Virtually his entire body can unravel like this, from his limbs all the way down to his tongue.

His internal structure houses an extra-dimensional void that he can swallow objects into. If he draws people into himself, they experience tremendous psychic anguish and torture for as long as he keeps them there. Abyss has also demonstrated certain additional mutant abilities. He has empathic powers allowing him to sense the emotions of other people within his vicinity. By placing someone into his void, Abyss could amplify and broadcast their fear and terror as psionic tremors, radiating negative empathic energy for miles around, sending people into intense emotional turmoil. He may also have been capable of producing psychoplasmic visual images in thin air.

*This is Abyss from Earth-295 (aka "The Age of Apocalypse"). His Earth-616 counterpart first appeared later in Cable (Vol. 1) #40, February 1997.

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