Tuesday, June 22, 2021




Real Name: Clarice Ferguson
First Appearance: X-Men Alpha (Vol. 1) #1, February 1995

Powers: Blink’s mutant power generates spatial-sheering energy, which can be used for various forms of teleportation. Blink can create portals out of thin air which connect two distant points, as far away as traveling from the Earth to the moon. These portals can be stationary, or she can will them into motion to swallow up a particular target. Blink frequently uses throwing javelins as a focus for her power. These javelins are transformed into pure energy by her power, for she can strike targets with them without piercing the target or causing any physical injury. Instead, Blink's javelins can isolate her teleportation effect on a specific person in a group, without running the risk of someone entering her portals she doesn't want. Also, instead of teleporting a whole object when they strike (like a person), Blink's javelins can be adjusted to only teleport what they actually touch, allowing her to teleport holes into armor or other solid objects by having javelins chip away at her target.

Blink has also learned how to employ a molecular disruption effect: By striking a person with her power, she can cause their molecules to -- for a single instant -- shift dramatically out of sync with each other, effectively bisecting every molecule of their body. Though they immediately revert to a normal and whole configuration, the effect is enough to render even superhumanly powerful opponents unconscious from the shock and pain.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

This is the more popular AOA counterpart who appeared more prominently than the 616 counterpart who first appeared in The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #317, October 1994.