Friday, June 18, 2021




Real Name: Melody Jacobs
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #27, December 1993

Powers: Threnody’s mutation enables her to sense the presence and emotions of living organisms who are either dead or dying. Originally her mutant power seemed limited to mutants who suffered from the Legacy Virus, but now it encompasses all forms of death.

When someone dies within a 1-mile radius of her position, Threnody absorbs the energy released from that death and stores it within her own body. She can discharge the energy as highly destructive blasts of plasma energy. Following her own death, Threnody now exists as an animated corpse. In addition, her power mutated to the point where she can reanimate dead bodies by imbuing them with a fraction of the energy that she absorbed from them at the time of their death and mentally direct them.

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