Wednesday, June 23, 2021




Real Name: Century
First Appearance: Force Works (Vol. 1) #1, July 1994

Powers: Century is a composite entity created by a dead race, the Hodomur. His mind is composed of 100 of the greatest scientists, philosophers, military heroes, politicians, et. al. of his people, all merged together in a (usually) cohesive whole. He was designed to live for 100 years, but his amnesia has prevented him from knowing just how long he has left. Compared to a human, he possesses augmented strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, senses, and recuperative powers, as well as a limited capacity for self-levitation.

His primary weapon and tool is Parallax, a massive staff/axe that can be used in melee combat to tear through most anything. It also grants him the power of "gating", casting open teleportation portals to travel across inter- or intra-galactic distances. Century can travel alone, carry multiple passengers with him, or send others through a gate without traveling with them himself. Through Parallax, he has access to several extra-sensory powers that enhanced the accuracy of his gating. He can mathematically compute advanced spatial coordinates, allowing him to gate aboard moving ships, pinpoint exact locations to arrive at across planetary gaps, and so on. He can also trace various forms of energy signatures, detecting them in his environment and then gating back to their source of origin. Century can pick up on psionic, electromagnetic, inter-dimensional, and mystical energies. Parallax also serves as the binding force for his mind -- the symbiotic link between man and axe keeps Century's 100 psychic templates operating in unison. If he is separated from Parallax for a given length of time, his mind will begin to fragment, causing him to manifest splinter personalities of his component minds.

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