Monday, June 14, 2021




Real Name: Carl Denti
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men Annual (Vol. 1) #17, June 1993

Powers: No superhuman powers. Carl Denti was the protégé of the X-Men's FBI contact Fred Duncan. When Agent Duncan died, Denti inherited access to all of his files and archives, including extensive knowledge on the X-Men and their related allies, opponents, activities, and a packrat collection of technology Duncan had gathered over the years. Cobbling this extensive inventory into a working arsenal, Carl became the X-Cutioner, dedicated to hunting down and killing mutants who had first killed someone themselves.

His battle armor is primarily Shi'ar in origin, with Omnium mesh layers for absorbing impact and apparently some level of strength-boosting exoskeleton as well. His durability is augmented by a Factor Three force field, which naturally permeates his armor as protective reinforcement and can be expanded outwards into a solid force bubble for additional protection. He has numerous scanning devices built into his armor from Shi'ar, Z'Noxx, and Sentinel sources, which project information holographically inside his mask. These sensors enable him to detect hidden surveillance systems, pinpoint mutant energy signatures, and run genetic identification scans on tissue samples. Denti's boots contain propulsion-units cannibalized from the Mark I Sentinels, enabling him to leap superhuman heights and distances. Both gauntlets are equipped with razor sharp finger claws that can be used as grappling spikes for scaling walls and cliffs hand-over-hand, and can produce variable levels of electrical charge to stun or kill his opponents. He carries a set of three staff weapons strapped to his back. One is a Shi'ar psi-lance, capable of harnessing the psionic energy of the wielder and channeling it into beams of concussive force. The second is a Z'noxx energy sabre, with a charged tip-blade sufficiently powerful to cleave open Colossus's armored hide with a single swipe. The third has never been directly identified, but appears to be a similar-style staff weapon capable of firing explosive blasts from the tip. The X-Cutioner also employs a Sidri cloaking device which can render him invisible to electronic surveillance and alarm systems. He has gained access to various teleportation devices in the past, including a miniaturized Shi'ar stargate. He was also capable of monitoring the teleportation signature of Cable's body-sliding tech, and then "piggyback" on the residual carrier wave in order to teleport himself anywhere Cable has been in the (recent) past.

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