Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Joseph
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #46, November 1995

Powers: Joseph is a perfect mental and genetic clone of Magneto. He was created by Astra and modified to be at a younger age than his template, and without the self-imposed limits Magneto had placed on his mutant powers.

He possessed an increased electrolyte flow and bio-magnetic field attuned to the same frequency as the Earth's electromagnetic field, allowing him total control over all forms of magnetic force. He could use it to levitate, propel and reshape all metal objects, generate heat and electricity off of metallic substances, produce magnetic force fields and blasts, and absorb cold and electricity to supercharge his powers. He could also manipulate blood flow to the brain to cause aneurysms or unconsciousness, as well as manipulate magnetic currents to gain total control over the electromagnetic spectrum.

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