Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 (Vol. 1) # 1, October 1993

Powers: Junkpile has the mutant power of self-induced bionic enhancement. Whenever injured to a certain degree, his body activated a metallic telekinesis effect which drew nearby mechanical parts to him and adjusted them to reinforce and replace damage he had suffered. Afterwards, his bionic form could be repaired even easier than before, as lost or damaged metal parts of his body would reattach themselves automatically if disrupted. He could have an arm blown off, and the limb and shoulder joint would simply extend wires to reconnect with one another, making him fully operational again within seconds. In his earliest appearances, Junkpile's entire physical frame was heavily outfitted with mechanical parts, giving him a massive body with superhuman strength and armor-reinforced durability. It's unclear whether Junkpile had to be injured to activate his power, or if he could replace and enhance his organic parts at any time.

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