Friday, June 18, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #68, April 1993

Powers: The man who became the Epsilon Red was forcibly chosen by the Soviet Super-Soldier program to be its subject in creating a super-cosmonaut, to parallel their transformation of mutant serial killer Arkady Russovich into the super-soldier Omega Red.

His body was genetically re-engineered to survive and thrive in the vacuum of space. However, as a result, his body could no longer function in Earth's gravity and atmosphere without a containment suit. The suit was cybernetically-controlled and had four bionic and prehensile coils extending from it, equipped with what appeared to be tools to assist in engineering, maintenance in a zero-G environment, or as weapons (a saw blade, flamethrower, screwdriver, and pinchers).

He was reportedly a telepath, although later revelations of his origins indicated that it was actually his daughter, Elena, who was the telepath. His later appearances, however, indicated he also possessed that power once more.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

For those who don't know, Epsilon Red is from part of Wolverine's days in the Weapon X program, when him, Creed (Sabretooth), and Sgt. David North (Maverick) all worked together.

Epsilon Red was created in 1967 so the Soviets could have an edge over America in the space race. Logan was sent to the Tyuratam Space Center to assassinate him (which Epsilon welcomed as he could not endure his transformation any longer). Red was about to be launched into space with his pregnant wife looking on. As Logan was about to kill him, Creed told him the mission was aborted.

But Epsilon still wanted to die. Logan wouldn't do it, so Epsilon pleaded for Creed to do so. Creed fatally shot the man's pregnant wife instead, forcing her to go into premature labor. The child was born a mutant telepath, named Elena Ivanova. Her power manifested at birth and she shared her mother's last thoughts, leaving her with a lifetime hatred and mission of vengeance against Sabretooth.

As for Red, when the Americans beat the Soviets to the moon in 1969, he remained at Tyuratam (which was code-named “Terry Adams”) for the next several decades, abandoned and forgotten. Decades later, Wolverine later returned to the base and helped him escape into space.