Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Gloria Dolores Muñoz
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #51, February 1996

Powers: Risqué had the mutant ability to create localized gravity fields that affect inorganic matter. The most common application of her power was to create a gravitonic charge within the center of an object, creating an irresistible inward pull that causes the object to geometrically collapse and compress in on itself. Compression in this manner can cause the floor to give way beneath an opponent, or snap the chain supporting a chandelier so that it falls on her victim.

Often, Risqué used her power to compress a large object down into a small, ultra-dense mass, roughly the size of a baseball. She can then use a vectored gravity effect to hurl the hyper-dense sphere at a target, striking them with immense force and impact. This ability to send objects flying off at her command suggests a greater range of gravity manipulation than mere compression, but what else her powers might have allowed her to do was never explored.

This implosion manifested as either a concussive force or seeming disintegration. Despite the object's change in size, it still maintained its original mass.

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