Wednesday, June 23, 2021




Real Name: Marius St. Croix
First Appearance: Generation X (Vol. 1) #1, November 1994

Powers: Emplate’s mutation has rendered him out of sync with this dimensional plane. He stabilizes himself by absorbing the genetically-augmented marrow in mutant bones. Tiny mouths in his palms bite into his opponent's flesh on contact, and apparently absorb the victim's marrow by converting it into a type of bio-energy he can synthesize into himself. When Emplate has properly supped, he can control his dimensional synchronicity, deliberately stepping out of phase with our plane to move about invisibly, intangibly, and without making noise or leaving a scent.

Feeding on a mutant's marrow also allows Emplate to duplicate their powers, and these powers can become permanent if he feeds on the mutant for an extended period of time. Emplate can also duplicate bio-energy signatures on contact, thus allowing him to produce sonic blasts after being hit by Banshee's sonic scream. Furthermore, he has a unique visual perception allowing him to see a mutant's bio-signature as an aura of rainbow light surrounding them. He can also apparently draw some basic knowledge about that person and their life through that aura.

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