Tuesday, June 22, 2021




Real Name: Angelo Espinosa
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #317, October 1994

Powers: Skin’s mutant power grants him somewhere between three to six feet of additional skin hanging on his body.

He can mentally animate and control his skin for various effects. His skin is highly elastic and he can extend portions of it out like animated tendrils (similar to Venom). Angelo often stretches out his fingers to greater lengths, or can cause lines of flesh to shoot out from any point on his body. His skin possesses great tensile strength, enabling him to support more than his own weight on a thin line of skin without it tearing. He can wrap his skin around overhead objects to swing on it like a vine, or grab onto another person or object, binding them to restrict movement or hold them in place.

By bundling up extra portions of skin onto a single area of his body, he can create a cushioning effect to blunt the impact of physical blows. A similar process allows him to compress his extra skin into more dense forms than normal, which he has then used to sprout razor sharp spikes of flesh from his body, or shape solid "bola balls" of compressed skin which he can throw on an elastic line of his skin to bludgeon opponents with a solid impact.

His mutant power left his skin tone with a light gray hue. When relaxed or unconscious, Skin’s extra skin sags and gives him the appearance of a melted candle, but with concentration Skin can contract the extra skin and pass for a normal human. Originally, he experienced migraines when using his power, but he overcame that difficulty with practice.

Angelo Espinosa is an experienced car thief, street racer, and adept in the usage of small firearms.

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