Saturday, June 12, 2021




Real Name: Alexander Tennyson
First Appearance: Darkhawk Annual (Vol. 1) #2, July 1993

Powers: Dreamkiller is the alter-ego of Alex Tennyson, a man in possession of a mystical object of power which gives form to his desires. By holding and focusing on the object, Alex can summon the Dreamkiller construct and imbue it with some of his own essence. Though his mind remains in his own body, Tennyson can see and hear everything Dreamkiller does, and the entity seems to possess a duplicate of Tennyson's own consciousness, allowing him to be in two places at once. Operating as Dreamkiller requires concentration, though, and so Tennyson generally remains seated or otherwise immobile in his human body in order to focus on directing his "other".

Dreamkiller is a massively proportioned being with pale green skin and superhuman levels of strength and durability. He can sprout claws from his fingers that are capable of projecting blasts of intense heat energy. As a semi-corporeal being, Dreamkiller is also capable of walking on air molecules and can transform into a mist-like state, in which he can seep through cracks and crevices, is untouchable by physical means, and flies with the wind at high speeds.

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