Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Kevin Tremain
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #50, March 1996

Powers: A former operative for the Central Intelligence Agency, Kevin Tremain's mutant genes granted him blue skin and an increased musculature that gave him augmented strength, agility, endurance, reaction time, and durability. His mutation also includes a highly analytical acumen allowing him to mentally calculate vastly large mathematical probabilities, outpacing most super computers. He could use this power to compute vectors, target trajectories, override computer locks and programs, etc.

Receiving a blood transfusion from Cable left him with a sample of the techno-organic virus in his system. This transfusion is what later allowed Onslaught to transform him into the cybernetic powerhouse called "Post" and more effectively interact with the suit of power pods later provided for him by Onslaught. Each pod may have only resembled a featureless stone, but were actually highly intricate circuitry. Many of them formed into a pair of trunks, boots, gloves, and headgear. The rest tended to hover around him, acting as sensory units that recorded audio, visual, energy-based and mutagenic signatures on various wavelengths, giving his analytical power vast amounts of information to cogitate on. He could combine and reconfigure groups of power pods into floating plasma blasters, a cloaking device built onto his chest plates that rendered him invisible, and possibly teleportation abilities as well. Furthermore, he could use the data he gathers on a target or another mutant to conceive of anti-personal weapons to counter someone's natural abilities.

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