Monday, June 14, 2021




Real Name: Cord Mather
First Appearance: Punisher: War Zone Annual (Vol. 1) #1, August 1993

Powers: The Phalanx armor was designed by Cord Mather. Its unique construction made it proof against significant levels of physical force and penetration. Hive-guard armor plating scattered impact over a wider area of the armor, and the inner layer of gel absorbed even greater amounts of force. Anything less than a .50 caliber slug would bounce right off the suit with no noticeable effect. .50 cals could knock Phalanx down, but still could not penetrate the outer shell or do any real damage to Cord inside it. Mather ultimately died, however, while attempting to contain a grenade explosion with his own armored body. Phalanx was still dexterous enough inside the armor to handle and use firearms, and could move and leap around freely enough to suggest some form of exoskeleton to support his weight.

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