Friday, June 18, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Cable (Vol. 1) #1, May 1993

Powers: Sinsear was a soldier in the army of the High Lords of New Canaan in the 39th century of Earth-4935. Having suffered severe injuries in battle from a hidden thermite bomb, he was recovered by the New Canaanites and transformed into a cybernetic warrior.

Sinsear's entire body was covered and reinforced with exoskeletal mechanisms, giving him superhuman strength, reflexes, stamina, and resistance to all manner of physical harm. His on-board computer was capable of scanning and analyzing his surroundings in great detail, from determining the composition of obstacles in his path to cataloguing the number and type of opponents and weapons gathered against him. His analytical and targeting abilities are further enhanced by telescopic and infrared sighting mechanisms in his eye. He can project pencil-beam cutting lasers as well as concussive plasma charges from his hands.

Furthermore, Sinsear could unsheathe buzz-drones from his body, remote-flying battle units equipped with independently tracking lasers. His arm units also included retractable spear-spikes in his left arm, high tensile cables which could lift and strangle victims in his right, and launchers for his parabolic slicing blades (PSBs) with smart-targeting ability that could be set on search and destroy flights or adjusted specifically to seek out enemy weak spots.

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