Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #53, June 1996

Powers: Onslaught is a composite psionic entity spawned out of portions of Charles Xavier and Magneto's minds. Initially, "he" existed only as a second personality within Professor X's mind, capable of influencing his actions and actually possessing their shared body at times. After Nate Grey pulled Xavier's astral form into the physical plane, however, Onslaught learned how to manifest itself tangible as a living psi-armor (though this doesn't really explain how he battled Juggernaut and assaulted Blaquesmith's yacht beforehand).

As living psi-armor, Onslaught initially manifested himself around his host, Charles Xavier, but later operated independently of an organic body. Composed out of tangible psionic energy, Onslaught was capable of increasing the physical size, strength, and durability of his armored form at will and, after separating from Xavier, morph his physical appearance to look like whatever he wished. He possessed telepathic, telekinetic, and electromagnetic powers on a grand scale, as well as the ability to assimilate other sources of mutant power into himself at will. Not only did this make him virtually immune to assault by other mutants, but it also enabled him to amplify his power dramatically by incorporating Nate Grey and Franklin Richards into his "self", physically encaging them within the dimension of his own mind to feed off of them. He began manifesting reality-altering powers to tremendous degree as his personal evolution continued.

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