Tuesday, June 22, 2021




Real Name: Jonothon Evan Starsmore
First Appearance: Generation X (Vol. 1) #1, November 1994

Powers: Chamber possesses the mutant power of psionic biokinesis. He produces a unique form of psionic energy that has a highly destabilizing effect on physical objects. Chamber's bio-blasts erupt from his chest, hitting their target with a tremendous amount of energy as molecules were hyper-stimulated in his path, and the biokinetic force could cause a concussive explosion that devastates solid matter or tears it apart on a molecular level. Though his blasts resemble flame, they are decidedly non-combustible in nature. He can project his bio-energies in a straight line, as multiple bolts which seek out and strike individual targets, a laser-like pencil beam, or as a shockwave of energy expanding out from his body.

The effect that his power's first manifestation had on his own body was considerable, creating a gaping maw of raging energy in his chest, extending down from the bridge of his nose to his navel. His physiology had to adjust dramatically to this, as he basically became a being of living energy holding onto an organic body out of habit. Chamber does not require and is not capable of eating, drinking, or breathing. He subsides totally on his own energies. Unable to speak normally anymore, Chamber communicates through thought projection.

He can broadcast on "all channels" so that everyone around him can hear his telepathic voice, or isolate the effect so that only specific individuals can hear him "speak". Jono can also receive and transmit thoughts to a limited degree, acting as a "hub" for psychic communication between himself and others. He's also somewhat sensitive to nearby thought patterns, allowing him to detect the presence of other people, as well as sense and transmit certain psychic intuitions. He can detect when someone is being truthful or sincere, impress his own "good nature" onto a young girl to prevent her from being scared of him, and even lock onto and broadcast Spider-Man's danger sense temporarily so that everyone in range could feel the same danger emanations Spider-Man was. Chamber supposedly has the potential for developing flight and more ranged telepathic and even telekinetic abilities, but has yet to do so.

While working for Weapon X, they reconstructed his face, restoring his ability to speak, to breathe, and to eat. He maintained his ability to communicate telepathically, and a hole in his chest was cybernetically harnessed to focus his bio-blasts safely through. When M-Day reverted him to a human, however, the reversion disrupted the presence of his cybernetic chestpiece, causing his face and chest to explode open. Kept alive artificially for weeks in this disfigured state, Jono was kidnapped by his relatives in the Clan Akkaba, who transfused a supply of Apocalypse's blood into Chamber, which reacted with his receptive genetic code to mutate him into a new state. Chamber's physical structure was completely restored, including his chest and mouth. He developed ash gray skin, radiant red eyes, lining around his mouth similar to En Sabah Nur's, and a giant Clan Akkaba heiroglyph tattoo on his chest. What sort of new mutant abilities he gained from this transformation remains unclear.

As Decibel, Jono outfitted himself with a neckbrace that manipulated the sound waves of his voice, giving him sonic telekinetic powers very similar to Songbird of the Thunderbolts. Decibel can generate ear-splitting ultrasonic frequencies, deafening his opponents, causing them to experience a loss of balance, equilibrium or consciousness, or affecting solid matter such as shattering glass or crumbling masonry with a sustained sonic barrage. Manipulating sound waves and then directing them beneath him gives Jono the power to fly. He could also create solid sound projections, blasting objects with pure concussive force or generating various kinds of force fields. He could use these fields to shield himself and others from harm, or use them to contain explosions or cage his opponents.

Decibel cybernetically controls these force fields and can move them against the pull of gravity as well, allowing him to wrap people or objects inside a force field and move them around under his command, pulling civilians out of a combat arena or transporting his teammates from place to place. Jono can also create more advanced constructs, such as various geometric shapes or animated figures such as a giant version of himself or a group of flying pixies to distract his opponents. Like all members of the new New Warriors, Decibel had a utility belt with cartridges containing Pym Particles for reducing opponents down to size or impact webbing for quickly wrapping up and restraining felons. His suit contained a "Ghost Mode" that rendered him intangible and utterly unaffected by physical assaults.

Following the Age of X, Jono was altered by Legion's reality-manipulating powers, reverting him back into his traditional Chamber form. He is also a skilled guitarist and lock picker.

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