Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Christopher Bradley
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited (Vol. 1) #8, October 1995

Powers: Bolt possesses the mutant power to absorb ambient charges of static electricity in his environment and from the atmosphere. Typically, Chris’ body harmlessly expended this energy, however, he was able to store and release it for a variety of effects:

He could produce electricity within his body and generate it outwards through his skin. He could create an electrified aura that distorted his facial features and shocked anyone who came into physical contact with him. Bolt could cause his electricity to be discharged from any area of his body, but normally directed it as blasts from his hands. He could channel electrical energy through conductive material, forming protective shields or generating electric arcs. Bolt could also siphon energy from electricity-generating sources to empower himself.

Chris was extensively trained in armed and unarmed combat by Cable and was a skilled, albeit brutal, interrogator. After immersing himself in the persona and name of the mutant mercenary known as Maverick, Chris wore a suit of lightweight Kevlar body armor as well as a mask with atmospheric seals. Though he wielded a pair of conventional handguns, he favored using his powers to generate concussive force blasts.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Nope. Kid from suburban NYC, discovered he was a mutant shortly around when the X-Men were scoping him out. They brought him to the X-Mansion, trained him to control his powers. Right as he's getting the hang of it, he learned that he had the Legacy Virus.

More happened after that, of course. Him befriending fellow Legacy Virus infectee Maverick after feeling the X-Men abandoned him when the Friends of Humanity burned down his family's house. He got cured of the Legacy Virus via Colossus' sacrifice and then joined the New Warriors.

After Maverick's death, he became the new Maverick. Ironically, he was killed by the real Maverick, who was Agent Zero at that point and didn't know Chris had taken his old mantle.