Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Shard Bishop
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men Annual (Vol. 1) #17, June 1993 (in illusory form); The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #314, July 1994 (in reality)

Powers: Shard was born with the mutant power to draw upon ambient light and convert it into amplified blasts of concussive force from her hands. Upon her death, Shard's mind was transferred into a holographic matrix, allowing her to live on in part through an interactive imaging system. As a hologram, Shard was tied to the emitter bracelet that Bishop and later members of X-Factor wore, able to manifest herself only within a few dozen feet radius of it. She could be intangible or exist as a hard-light projection to interact with her surroundings. Because she could instantaneously relocate herself anywhere within the bracelet's projection radius, Shard also possessed limited line-of-sight teleportation powers.

After Bastion and Humanity's Last Stand disrupted her matrix, Shard became an independent entity, a photonic lifeform not tied to the bracelet or anything else. In this state, she no longer possessed her "teleporting" power, but she could still become intangible as necessary. Shard was now a self-sustaining hologram, feeding off of ambient photons to constantly replenish the light energy supporting her physical/mnemonic matrix. Furthermore, she could now gather and discharge the light energy she was formed of as photonic blasts, approximating her original mutant powers. Shard couldn't release too much energy at once, though, without risking her discorporation as she depleted the light energy resources holding her together. Just before her demise, Shard was reverted back to a human form when the Chronomancer reversed her personal timeline.

Shard is from Earth-1191 in an alternate future timeline roughly 100 years from now. In her timeline, she was a member of the X.S.E. (Xavier Security Enforcers), a mutant law enforcement agency inspired by the X-Men. As a trained police officer skilled in tracking, she had many years of armed/unarmed combat training and was a superb markswoman.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

She’s Bishop’s younger sister. She was even Trevor Fitzroy’s girlfriend at one point.