Friday, June 18, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #26, September 1993

Powers: Reignfire (aka "Project Nineteen") was a mutant born under unspecified horrific circumstances whose power reduced him to a sentient, amorphous, asexual, ebony protoplasm when it manifested at birth. After spending a decade under laboratory experimentation, the protoplasm (possessing a rudimentary consciousness) began suffering physical deteriorations and was placed in an oxygenated nutrient bath to slow its decline. This changed dramatically when he was exposed to a single cell sample from another mutant test subject, Roberto Da Costa (aka Sunspot). Project Nineteen ended up replicating the cellular material based on that cell, creating an entire humanoid body for himself. This body, a physical duplicate of Sunspot’s, was complete with an enhanced replication of Sunspot's solar-absorption powers. Escaping the labortatory with his newfound powers, Project Nineteen resurfaced months later as Reignfire.

Reignfire was able to naturally absorb solar energy through ambient sunlight and, with concentration, feed off of other nearby sources of heat and light in his environment as well. He could bolster his physical strength (up to Class 50), stamina, and resilience with this energy, use it for downward thrusts to fly or cast it off as solar plasma discharges from his hands. He demonstrated the ability to "seed" clouds with energy, causing plasma to rain down from the clouds. He could also siphon energy by draining body heat from others, inducing hypothermia. He also maintained a telepathic link with his template, granting him all of Sunspot’s memories and skills, as well as allowing him to monitor Sunspot's thoughts, influence his mind, and temporarily possess his body.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

I liked the MLF, but HATED this guy. He was too over-the-top, especially with his grandiose descriptions of himself ("I AM THE SWELTERING TEMPEST WAITING TO ERUPT!").

I couldn’t take Reignifre seriously, he was laughable.