Sunday, June 27, 2021



Real Name: Peter Paul Wisdom
First Appearance: Excalibur (Vol. 1) #86, February 1995

Powers: Pete Wisdom possesses the mutant ability to generate “hot knives”, razor-edged blades of intense thermal-plasmic energy with temperatures exceeding that of the sun's core (approximately 15,700,000° Celsius / 28,260,000° Fahrenheit). When fired, the hot knives travel at incredible speeds and are capable of piercing just about anything short of Adamantium, including Colossus' organic steel body.

Though normally the size of a standard knife blade, Wisdom can manifest a hot knife of much larger diameter if he concentrates. He can cause the hot knives to materialize around his body, hovering in mid-air over his shoulders until he chooses to send them flying out, or make them sprout from his fingers as if they were talons. He can manifest a small cluster of hot knives in the air in front of him as a shield which incinerates projectile attacks to protect him from harm, and can survive jumps from great heights by using the heat generated by the hot knives as a thermal buoy, lowering him more-or-less gently to the ground.

Having trained with the Special Air Service (SAS), Pete is an excellent hand-to-Hans fighter and excellent shot, as well as being a master strategist unencumbered by any sense of fair play.

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