Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Generation Next (Vol. 1) #2, April 1995

Powers: The Sugar Man is a mutant with several highly abnormal mutations. He is larger and stronger than an average human and, instead of a head, his face is enormous and grows directly out of his front chest. He also has four arms, and a prehensile tongue that extends to great length and has unusual properties: It is razor sharp and strong enough to penetrate reinforced cybernetic skin, and can somehow damage beings existing in a gaseous state. The Sugar Man also seems to have a superhuman sense of smell, and possibly hearing as well. Finally, he has an unclassified healing power, the mechanics of which are vague at best. He was once nearly killed by being beaten until he was nothing more than pulp. However, a tiny Sugar Man (no more than a foot tall) climbed out of the corpse, and later grew back to his normal size.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Refugee from the Age of Apocalypse. He crossed over from there and into the 616 reality some 30 years ago. During which time he gave Dr. David Moreau (the Genoshan Genegineer) the Mutate Bonding Process.

The process was used to turn mutants into mindless slaves, which Genosha exploited to become a prosperous nation once (while the Sugar Man ruled the country in secret).