Sunday, June 27, 2021




Members: Greystone (Devlin Greystone); Archer; and Fixx
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #140, December 1997

History/Powers: Native to the future of the alternate reality of Earth-1191, the Xavier Underground Enforcers were a rogue, unsanctioned group comprised of former operatives of the X.S.E. (Xavier Security Enforcers).

Greystone is a mutant capable of expanding his mass, increasing in height, weight, strength, and durability in the process. The larger he becomes, the more his physical characteristics and facial features are distorted by the process, making him extremely odd-looking and virtually unrecognizable.

Archer has the mutant ability to transform himself into a photoelectric energy form. He wears a helmet and full-body suit whenever he is transformed, and it may be necessary to contain his energies. Archer can focus his bodily energy into volatile lances of force beamed out from ports on his suit, like the back of his hand or his elbows. He also uses a cane/staff weapon capable of conducting his power into taser-like charges that incapacitate his opponents on contact.

Fixx manifests mutant telepathy and telekinesis through the projection of psionic sprites. These sprites are little energy constructs that resemble tiny fairies with wings. By projecting a fast-flying stream of these sprites, she can hit an opponent or obstacle with solid impact, or she can throw a few thousand sprites into someone's path, creating a living wall that blocks their progress. Directing enough of the fairies to grab something or slip underneath it allows her to lift objects from a distance and cause the sprites to carry it about wherever she chooses. In terms of telepathic application, Fixx can use her sprites as spies and messengers, sending them out at the speed of thought to any location she wishes and enabling her to experience everything the sprite "sees" and "hears" there. If she wishes to communicate with someone, she composes a mental message and sends out a sprite like a carrier pigeon, seeking out the person she wants and entering their mental space, releasing the thought she sent directly into their mind. Anyone who absorbs a thought-sprite in this manner becomes psychically linked to Fixx, enabling her to pinpoint their location any time she wishes.

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