Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Shakti Haddad
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 (Vol. 1) #1, October 1993

Powers: Cerebra was a neuropath. Her mutant power enabled her to psionically detect the brain wave activity of other sentient beings, pinpointing nearby people and recognizing familiar mental signatures. Cerebra was not a telepath, she couldn't read minds, but she could detect if their cerebral activity is getting stronger or weaker, allowing her to monitor vital signs. She could also distinguish between humans or mutants with her neuro-sensory abilities, even detecting unborn mutants in the womb. By manipulating someone's nervous system, she could assume remote control over a person's movements, paralyzing them in place or moving their bodies under her command. She could manipulate neural receptors, triggering intense amounts of agonizing stimulus or negating a person's ability to feel pain and any other tactile sensation. She could also will people to fall unconscious, and stimulate other non-higher brain functions, like various reflex actions. Cerebra often required physical contact or extreme close quarters to activate her powers.

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