Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Timothy Sean Michael Fitzgerald
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 (Vol. 1) #1, October 1993

Powers: Skullfire’s mutation grants him energy rechanneling powers which grew considerably over time. Skullfire can actively absorb energy out of his environment, such as draining nearby electrical systems dry of power. When fully charged with energy, he took on the appearance of a glowing green radiograph, x-raying his body to give a glimpse of his skeleton. Initially, his power acted as an instinctive response that triggered uncontrollably, often in response to stress and threatening situations. He would drain all available power from his surroundings, conduct the charge through his body, and release it from his hands or in any direction as raw explosive-concussive energy, capable of incinerating a human being or doing significant structural damage. With training, he learned to control the various aspects of his mutant power: Absorbing energy at will from chosen sources, storing energy instead of automatically releasing it, and modulating the intensity of his blasts.

Skullfire was apparently an energy based life-form who was simply clinging to his old flesh-and-blood body out of habit. After he was killed and subsequently reanimated, he managed to reassert his free will and return to a normal life, though he now constantly glowed with excess energy. He also demonstrated a sensitivity to energy sources, allowing him to mentally pinpoint hidden power sources and draw upon a wider range of different energy signatures. Ultimately, his body was destroyed, leaving him as a non-corporeal sphere of living energy. Eventually, he managed to reform himself into an indistinctive humanoid form, a rough silhouette made of pure green energy. He could now draw upon ambient energy in the atmosphere and direct it to his will, as well as being virtually intangible and capable of flight.

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