Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Radha Dastoor
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #96, November 1993

Powers: Haven was a baseline human who was partially possessed by the demonic Adversary, who manifested himself as a fetus in her womb that remained there for years, never growing beyond the first trimester. He communicated with her telepathically, and gave her the ability to access an extra-dimensional plane. It is unknown if this pocket dimension was some chaos realm with a significant link to the Adversary or was utilized by him for some other reason. Haven could transport herself or other persons and objects into this realm, generally accompanied by a swirling of smoke or animated shadows spiraling around each other.

The realm itself was generally represented as a black expanse filled with smoke and occasional glowing lights. She could sense and manipulate aspects within her realm whether she was physically present there or not, allowing her to cast matter into her realm with a gesture and then retrieve them at a later date. She could perceive our reality from within her dimension, enabling her to teleport into locations she had not personally visited in the past, or locate people and objects on Earth to simply observe or extract into her realm. Reality within her realm was subject to Haven's whims, allowing her to alter the dimension's appearance and create visual images representing what she spoke of.

She had some form of healing ability, enabling her to disassemble and recreate people on a basic level in order to remove any injuries or anomalies in their system. She was capable of undoing Wolfsbane's Mutate engineering, but was unable to cure the Legacy Virus in the Multiple Man. Often she used her power to direct people through a "pralaya", a form of spiritual death and rebirth engineered by her realm's reality-altering effects. It was supposed to bring inner enlightenment to those open to the idea, but the exact mechanism of the process was unclear.

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