Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Names: Adrian Corbo (Flex); Jared Corbo (Radius)
First Appearance: Alpha Flight: In The Beginning (Vol. 1) #1, July 1997

Powers: Flex has the mutant power to morph portions of his body into organic metal. He demonstrated two different forms of this transformation, by either flattening out his body or actually altering the shape of his body. Initially, Flex performed the latter: Morphing his hands from about just above the wrist into paper-thin and razor sharp blades resembling cleavers. More than likely, he was compressing his mass in this process to make the blades incredibly durable. Similarly, Flex would also morph his shins, compressing the area between his knees and his ankles into a thin sheet of metal as well. Eventually, Flex's powers changed significantly He can flatten his body into the sheet metal state, but not compress his mass at the same time. Instead, his body expands into a larger length and width while loosing its depth. When morphed like this, Flex has large hands that could be swatted at an opponent, and could use his floppy metal body to cover and protect people and objects.

Radius’ mutant power is that his body constantly projects a thin but impenetrable layer of force around it. This field makes him virtually invulnerable, and allows air to pass through so that he can breathe, but prevents him from eating directly. Radius must strap a device resembling a surgical mask over his face in order to get food through his field and eat. He can mentally expand and alter the shape of his field to some degree. Radius can thus repel people and objects close to him, reshape his field into an incline so it acts as a solid ramp, and form a giant set of "clappers" around his hands and swing them together to hit an enemy in front of him.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

These two mutants are maternal half-brothers, Jared is younger. Radius' father is Unus the Untouchable.