Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Xi'an Chi Xan
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 (Vol. 1) #1, October 1993

Powers: Xi'an Chi Xan’s hands are his mutant power. His left hand mutated when his power first manifested itself during puberty, turning a sickly shade of green and sprouting boils and abrasions. This hand can break down the molecular structure of matter on contact, disintegrating whatever he comes into contact with. The effect can work purely through direct contact, or he can create a chain reaction in the molecules of a surface he touched, causing an entire wall to crumble instead of just the surface area he made contact with.

After suffering a near fatal injury, the Desert Ghost subconsciously produced a protective shell which grew over his body as a sort of cocoon, accelerating his own healing processes while keeping his body preserved in a form of suspended animation. When he had fully recovered and burst forth from the cocoon, his right hand underwent a mutation. Having a color and texture resembling gold, this hand could cure any number of bodily injuries, diseases, or pathogenic infections on contact. Overexerting this power could tax his own strength, rendering him physically ill and unable to use his power for a time without risking permanent health problems.

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