Saturday, June 12, 2021




Real Name: Jonathan Bartholomew Chambers
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited (Vol. 1) #2, September 1993

Powers: Empyrean’s mutant power is the ability to absorb from fellow mutants the bio-energy emanations generated by their mutagenic auras.

The mutagenic aura is the radiant, but typically invisible energy signature produced as a by-product of the x-gene. This energy signature is unique to each mutant and is what Cerebro scans for when searching for mutants. This energy is also the biological power source that fuels a mutant's powers and abilities, whether they're energy-related or not.

His absorption can be done from a distance (drawing out energy from mutants), or the effect can be done passively, as he did for mutants afflicted with the Legacy Virus to prevent the inevitable and painful power flares the virus caused. Empyrean's energy leeching could also be performed forcibly, sucking the bio-energy out of his victims while triggering a mutagenic feedback effect that was excruciatingly painful for those he assaulted. The feedback on his victims also causes them physical weakness and power signature flares. Empyrean stores the stolen energy within himself and uses it to increase his health and extend his life.

It was also suggested that Empyrean's power could be fatal for other mutants, as his father was a mutant who died in a car accident when Jonathan was a teenager, after having mysteriously aged decades in the months prior despite being 38 years of age.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He was intended to be introduced in X-Men Annual #2, but the X-Men Unlimited issue came out a month earlier. It’s just like the mix-up with Gambit’s first appearance, the only difference is that Gambit’s was definitively confirmed.

Anyway, he was a best-selling author/mutant rights advocate. He used the revenues from his books to buy a Florida island to create a haven for mutants dying from the Legacy Virus. At the same time, he was using his powers to feed off of their mutant energies (which also gave the infected mutants peace of mind and body).

He was last seen in a 1990s 4-part X-Men series that was part of a Marvel promotion with either Hardee’s or Pizza Hut. He was trapped in the Mesozoic Era at the end of that story, if he hasn’t since been eaten by a dinosaur.

So I doubt he’s on Krakoa.