Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Henri Huang
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 (Vol. 1) #1, October 1993

Powers: Meanstreak possesses the mutant power to move, run, and otherwise react at superhuman speeds. A basic speedster, his power is created and maintained by several complimentary mutations: He has superhuman strength and durability across his entire frame, especially concentrated in his lower body. He has the ability to lift 1,000 lbs. with his upper body, and his legs possess Class 1 strength. Meanstreak's durability allows him to resist the adverse effects of air friction, of striking the ground with intense force while running, and he has a unique lubrication in his eyes that prevent them from drying out at high speed. His joints are also specially lubricated to make them move faster and with more fluidity than normal. His body does not produce fatigue poisons frequently, making his metabolism almost four times as efficient as a normal person's and giving him phenomenal endurance. Though his top speed was never gauged, it at least enters the high subsonic ranges. He can move his hands at top speeds with high dexterity to assemble or dissemble objects faster than the eye can follow, grab speeding objects out of the air, dodge bullets, create funnels of air by moving in tight circles, and so on.

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