Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Cecilia Reyes
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #65, June 1997

Powers: Dr. Cecilia Reyes’ mutant ability generates a psio-plasmic bio-field. This field constantly surrounds her body at every given moment, completely invisible, and only takes on a glass-like translucency when subconsciously activated by a threat. The field reacts to kinetic impact, energy signatures, certain psionic forces, temperature changes, etc. The bio-field is an extension of Cecilia’s body, and so she feels the attack as its effect is dispersed over the field. Her power is subconscious, meaning it protects her from harm whether she wants it to or not, or is aware of the harm or not. However, the field would not activate for threats it did not register (back when the power was purely instinctive). For instance, Cecilia might know touching fire is dangerous, but her field would not automatically protect her from contact with it.

It’s unknown if the field has any kind of “learning capacity” that registers when a new sort of threat bypasses its protection. Cecilia has also learned how to manifest the field at will, as a weapon. Surrounding her fists with psio-plasmic force can increase the bludgeoning power behind her punches, she can extend razor pointed spikes from the field, expel the field outward in a hammer-like ram, etc.

Dr. Cecilia Reyes holds an M.D. and has extensive medical knowledge. She is a trained medical practitioner and a skilled trauma surgeon.

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