Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 (Vol. 1) #3, December 1993

Powers: La Lunatica's mutation gives her a multitude of superhuman attributes. Standing over 6 feet tall, with white skin and hair and blood red eyes, she possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and resistance to all forms of physical injury. Her senses are also highly developed, and her fingernails can be used as claws to cut into her victims. Lunatica is also a psychic vampire, able to feed off of the negative psychic energy inherent in the emotional turmoil of other people. Making physical contact with her victim causes a flashback, forcing her victim to summon up an intense and painful memory and relive the event psychically, releasing tremendously greater amounts of negative empathic energy that tortures her victim and stimulates Lunatica's system, temporarily augmenting her strength, durability, and other physical powers.

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