Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Michelle Balters
First Appearance: X-Force Annual (Vol. 1) #2, October 1993

Powers: Neurotap possesses the mutant ability to generate a neurosynaptic energy pulse from her eyes. This attack is triggered by eye contact with her victims, tracing back through their optic nerves to give her access to their nervous systems. She can cause people to fall unconscious, experience intense pain, become paralyzed, or even disable their nervous systems entirely to reduce them to a persistent vegetative state.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

She inadvertently put her parents in a vegetative state when her powers manifested in her teens. She ran away and met up with Martin Henry Strong, a wealthy mutant industrialist. Strong covered her parents’ medical bills in exchange for her employment in Strong Industries. While there, she met and had a relationship with fellow employee/mutant X-Treme.

She retained her powers post M-Day.