Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Men: Alpha (Vol. 1) #1, February 1995

Powers: Originally known as Nemesis, Holocaust's mutant powers originally included flight and projecting bio-genetic microwave blasts from his hands which could cause considerable pain and devastation. He also may have had superhuman strength and durability to some degree. Magneto critically wounded Nemesis for killing his daughter Wanda, and Nemesis was reborn as Holocaust, an energy-based being housed in a crystallized armor created for him by the Dark Beast. Holocaust was massively strong and his armor was impenetrable to most forms of attack while channeling his microwave energy into tremendous blasts of power.

Holocaust has also demonstrated the power to animate or rejuvenate himself with the life essence of other living beings. He can drain this energy from a distance with a thought, either slowly so that his target grows slowly weaker and more weathered looking before finally being consumed, or all at once so that they disintegrate completely in a matter of seconds. Holocaust can apparently reform a relatively human solid body for himself even without his armor by siphoning enough life energy. His armor also has certain exceptional properties built into it, such as the ability to morph itself around him into a duplicate of his old Nemesis body, or into any other physical form he focuses on, with the life energy he drains from others serving as a fuel source for these transformations.

*This is Holocaust from Earth-295 (aka "The Age of Apocalypse"). He does not have an Earth-616 counterpart and he technically first appeared as a profile in Stryfe's Strike File (Vol. 1) #1, January 1993.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He’s the son of Apocalypse, one of his Four Horsemen, and fiercely loyal/devoted to his father. He killed the Scarlet Witch, so Magneto fucked him up really bad in retaliation, forcing him to rely on his crystalline armor/containment suit for support.