Monday, June 14, 2021




Real Name: Carl Blake
First Appearance: Ghost Rider Annual (Vol. 1) #1, September 1993

Powers: Carl Blake an assassin for an unknown federal agency when he was turned into a vampire while on a black ops mission. He has manifested many of the traditional vampiric abilities including superhuman strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. With the exception of classic vampire vulnerabilities, he is virtually immune to pain and heals at a hyper-accelerated rate even from mortal injuries. He has excellent night vision and can sense the pumping of fresh blood in his vicinity. Night Terror is able to transform himself into mist, wafting on the breeze or seeping through tight spaces. He can use this power to appear to vanish in a cloud of smoke and can partially convert himself in order to become virtually weightless, able to glide through the air and dance across treetops. His fingers extend into razor sharp claws, and he of course can drain blood from the living using his fangs. Night Terror absorbs the memories of people he drinks from, allowing him to recall images from their past. An amnesiac himself, Blake repairs a portion of his own memory each time he drinks from a victim. When last seen, he was possessed by the spirit of the ancient vampire, Varnae.

Before his transformation, Carl Blake was a top-ranked assassin, highly trained in numerous forms of armed and unarmed combat.

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