Friday, June 18, 2021




Real Name: Rayna Piper
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #27, October 1993

Powers: Locus’ mutant ability is phase-shifting. She was capable of instantaneously transporting herself and additional matter from one location to another. She could only transport herself to places that she has physically visited in the past, effectively retracing her steps backwards through her lifetime. When in close physical proximity to other people, Locus could expand her teleportation field to accommodate them, and could also probe their minds in order to access their previous locations as well.

By phase-shifting with another person, she could therefore teleport to any location that person has been to before in addition to her own inventory. It is unknown whether Locus could scan past locations from inanimate objects for phase-shifting purposes. It was once suggested that Locus's power would allow her to travel into other time periods because her passenger, Sunspot, had done so, but this was never completely confirmed. She could narrowly isolate the phase-shifting effect, enabling her to teleport a man's head off his shoulders instead of transporting his entire body with her. The spatial energy she manifested for her phase-shifting also generated an anti-gravity effect so that she could float in mid-air, but not truly fly.

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