Saturday, June 19, 2021




Real Name: Barton Ford
First Appearance: Darkhawk (Vol. 1) #42, August 1994

Powers: Barton Ford was a sculptor who became the Shaper after he was imbued with energy by an unknown piece of metal. The transformation seemed to give him a degree of superhuman strength, and he could exude this new energy from his hands. The Shaper could manipulate the structure of inanimate materials through physical contact, feeding his energy into his target in order to shape it. He could construct lifelike sculptures and figures out of raw materials, or bend matter into the shape of weapons like a spear, Morningstar, or projectile bolts. The energy from his body remained in these objects, making them strike with greater force than the original materials alone might suggest. He could simply destroy or break apart objects as well.

The Shaper forged a suit of armor for himself, and could use his power to lift and direct the armor, effectively flying while inside it. He was unable to manipulate living things, but the act of feeding his energy into a person was lethal to them, giving him a "death touch" as well.

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