Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #323, August 1995

Powers: Vessel possesses the mutant power to siphon physical and psychic residue from the recently deceased. When in close proximity to the deceased, he is able to absorb their decaying flesh into his own, expanding his overall mass and with it his physical strength, size, endurance, and reflexes as well.

He also drains off a portion of a corpse's psychic residue, a piece of their soul. Why he does this is unspecified, though quite possibly he needs his victims’ spiritual essence in order to make their physical remains work with his mass properly. He is physically vulnerable to discorporation, as a sufficient amount of energy can break his connection to the living residue he accumulates. Even so, he can be reduced to little more than a blob of animated tissue, and will eventually reconstitute himself back into human form.

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