Friday, June 11, 2021




Real Name: Henrique Manuel Gallante
First Appearance: The New Warriors (Vol. 1) #32, February 1993

Powers: Henrique Manuel Gallante is a mutant born with both Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and one of the most powerful access taps to the Darkforce Dimension ever registered. He is able to funnel Darkforce through his body, and trans-substantiate his entire physical form into Darkforce as well. This Darkforce can be shaped according to his will, creating columns and spires to carry him into the air, protective barriers to deflect physical harm, animated strands to lift, manipulate, and constrict around solid objects. He has also demonstrated the power to increase his size and strength by wrapping multiple layers of Darkforce over his body, expanding his height and mass through a Darkforce "exo-body". By casting a layer of Darkforce over a living being, He can manipulate them like a puppet and control their every physical action. This is accomplished most easily if the victim has some "darkness" in them already (meaning they’re either a pre-existing Darkforce manipulator or a person experiencing a certain level of emotional torment on their own).

By transporting himself or others into the Darkforce Dimension, He is able to teleport across miles of distance at a time. Anyone he pulls into the Darkforce can also be subjected to a drain on their inherent life-energy or "light", stimulating intense fear and panic for as long as they are enveloped in his darkness. He can also create Darkforce rifts in detached locations, causing Darkforce to enter into our dimension through any existing patch of shadow or darkness. He once created a rift across the entire island of Manhattan, allowing Darkforce exude out through every shadow across the entire city.

After joining Psionex under the alias of Asylum II, Gallante began using his powers like the first Asylum, wrapping others into the Darkforce in order to summon up their fears and nightmares.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He was responsible for perhaps the biggest and best display of Darkforce manipulation. He was subconsciously tormenting the entire New York City area with Darkforce outbreaks (any and every shadow from NYC to New Jersey was leaking aggressive Darkforce) while also controlling nearly a dozen other heroes and villains with Darkforce skin-sheaths, including overpowering the will and powers of most *other* Darkforce wielders in the Marvel Universe, including the Black Mamba, Cloak, the Vanisher, Ecstacy, Silhouette, and Quagmire.

And his actions were all subconscious: He didn't even realize he was responsible for the outbreak for the first three parts of the event.

He was born with and into problems: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, abusive home, drug abuse, and eventually depression (which was exacerbated when his mutant powers manifested).