Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Eileen Harsaw
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #6, January 1992

Powers: Phantazia’s mutant ability gives her power over electromagnetic harmonics. She is capable of sensing the presence of various forms of energy in her environment, including detecting electronic systems and the atmospheric distortion that signals a teleportation effect. When in her power signature’s field, Phantazia is capable of levitation and drapes herself in a large cloak, leaving the impression that there's no body underneath. It seems she may transform at least partially into an electromagnetic energy form, but why it only happens from the neck down isn't clear.

In active use, Phantazia's power can be used to disrupt anything of an electromagnetic nature. She can generate masking effects, rendering herself and others invisible to human senses and undetectable to electronic surveillance. She can also produce offensive disruptor effects, either through contact with her "body" or as energy blasts from her eyes. Phantazia can scramble the function of electronics or computers, causing them to shut down or go haywire. Used against a living opponent, Phantazia's effect can cause intense pain, make them lose the coordination of their body, and cause their special powers to become unstable, such as making Cannonball's blast field protection unreliable or causing Sleepwalker's warp-vision to spray out uncontrollably.

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