Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Shiva
First Appearance: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #50, January 1992

Powers: Shiva was an artificial intelligence designed to eliminate the test subjects of the Weapon X Program. It inhabited robot bodies while carrying out its mission. These bodies tended to possess superhuman strength, speed and reflexes, and overall durability. They may have been constructed fully or partially out of Adamantium, particularly the various spikes and blades covering the Shiva.

Shiva could project plasma beams from its hands and was linked to the behavioral programming triggers used in the Weapon X Program. Therefore, its encephalo-beam could influence the minds of Weapon X test subjects, activating dormant cover personalities or memories, or psychologically torturing the subject by unleashing the recollection of their own worst memories.

Shiva had a learning protocol and battle computer, designed to analyze its attackers and build upon its experiences so it could never be beaten the same way twice. The artificial intelligence carried over from one destroyed body to the next, maintaining a continuity of learned responses across different robot bodies. Programmed with a target's features, Shiva units could track them across an unspecified distance.

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