Saturday, June 5, 2021




Real Name: Feron
First Appearance: Excalibur (Vol. 1) #48, March 1992

Powers: Feron was a descendant from the original Feron, part of a cultivated bloodline of mystics who maintained a link to the Phoenix Force. The first Feron was actually the Phoenix's original human host, and it was believed all future Ferons would be able to summon and wield its power as well. Unfortunately, Feron's caretakers never anticipated the Phoenix would take on different hosts over time, and so Feron's connection to the Phoenix was nowhere near as strong as its connection to the Grey bloodline.

Feron was a young boy and minor adept developing his skills of mysticism. He demonstrated feats of self-levitation, thought-casting, empathy, hypnosis, illusions, elemental transmutation, and more, but not particularly very skilled in their use.

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