Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Real Name: Silas Burr
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents (Vol. 1) #85, September 1991

Powers: Cyber’s mutation includes superhuman strength and stamina, and a healing factor that regenerates his wounds and apparently stunts his aging process to some degree. He has a psionic mutant tracking ability, enabling him to detect brain waves patterns in his vicinity, identifying all people within his range, determine if they are familiar to him, and track down the exact location of specific individuals.

His skin has been laced with Adamantium from the neck down, making him virtually invulnerable and impervious to harm. Each finger has an Adamantium claw blade that extends and retracts out of the tips of his fingers. The set of claws on one hand are tipped with a powerful hallucinogenic drug to disorient and drive his opponents insane, and the other set has a powerful poison, capable of killing even superhuman beings within a day or so.

Cyber was a skilled instructor in unarmed combat methods.

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