Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Real Names: Inapplicable
First Appearance: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #37, March 1991

Powers: Albert and Elsie-Dee are a pair of androids built by Reavers leader Donald Pierce using some components from Spiral’s Body Shoppe. Pierce modeled the initially unnamed ''Albert'' after Wolverine himself in an attempt to catch his target's attention. Elsie-Dee was modeled after a 5-year-old girl, even imbued with the emotional and behavioral traits of a small child. Every part of Elsie-Dee's body that was not computer, battery, motor or frame, Pierce constructed out of plastic explosives. Elsie-Dee's primary directive was to latch onto the real Wolverine as soon as she saw him and detonate. To prevent her sense of self-preservation from overriding her own programming, Pierce intended to halt her logical development once it reached the 5-year-old level, thus preventing her from cracking her own code. However, due to an oversight in her development, Elsie-Dee's logical programming was allowed to advance far beyond the level of a child. Unbeknownst to Pierce, this mistake granted her maximum logical capacity.

Albert is a synthetic Wolverine android possessing superhuman strength, moly-steel laminate skeleton and retractable claws, highly-advanced logistic and tactical systems, cyberjack interface for modem access, Kevlar-reinforced skin, and wide-spectrum scanning sensors.

Elsie-Dee is an android powered by a strange matter reactor and possessing enhanced strength and reflexes, highly-advanced logistic systems and intelligence, night vision, and radio transmitters to communicate with Albert and let her head remotely direct her body. Her original body was a walking bomb packed with C-13 plastic explosives in every available inch.

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