Tuesday, June 1, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #48, November 1991 (memory depiction); Wolverine (Vol. 2) #60, September 1992 (actual appearance)

Powers: John Wraith was a mutant with the power of phase-shifting teleportation. His ability operated by establishing an energy field between his present location and a remote location. Then, through quantum positioning based on peaks of his own wavelength function, he could instantly shift through space from one point to another. Usually, he teleported himself and equipment, not passengers.

As one of the original members of the Weapon X Program, Wraith was given an age-suppression factor that kept him young and vital despite being decades past his prime.

He customarily carried two .45 automatic Colt pistols loaded with copper-jacketed bullets containing uranium cores; he frequently used shaped charges, explosives designed to focus an explosion's energy into a specific region. His government clearance and contacts gave him access to an array of military equipment.

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