Monday, June 7, 2021




Real Name: Garabed Bashur
First Appearance: Deadpool: The Circle Chase (Vol. 1) #2, September 1993

Powers: Commcast’s mutant power is an electronic form of telepathy. He psionically receives electronic transmissions of data and stores them within his consciousness. He does so passively, in a manner that does not interfere with the regular transmission, and can receive electronic signals over a great distance (even isolating himself in a rural area did not render his mutant power inoperable).

Commcast’s mind possesses an infinite storage capacity, containing all the data he has ever been exposed to. The data is streamed into his mind far faster than he can accurately scan it all consciously, so even though the information is present in his mind, it requires a combination of meditation, effort, and sheer willpower for him to locate and extract specific information upon command. He uses a data filtering unit called the Dominus Objective which possesses an artificial file search capacity. By routing it through his exoskeletal Black Box armor, it allows him to summon information in his mind at will by merely focusing on it.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Indian mutant who was overwhelmed when his powers manifested. His parents sent him to live in a rural area, but India’s telecommunications industry started booming and Gareb’s power nearly left him catatonic.

His parents brought in Charles Xavier, who helped Gareb understand and control his power. Xavier left when he realized Gareb wanted to use his power for personal gain, thus becoming the wealthy information brokering mercenary named “Commcast”.