Monday, June 7, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #90, May 1993

Powers: Piecemeal was a mutant who was genetically modified under the Genoshan Mutate Bonding Process to become Mutate #416. Like most Mutates, the standard mental conditioning of the process that was used to render him docile eventually faded and it’s unknown how his powers operated prior to becoming a Mutate.

In either any case, his mutant power makes him an energy-based shape-shifter. He can cause his body to stretch in length, expand his muscle mass to increase his physical strength, assume other human or non-human shapes and forms, intentionally or through conflict split in two or break into smaller pieces without suffering any harm, or collapse totally into a liquid state. All this is apparently possible because he no longer possesses a unique physical body, but rather exists as an astral presence that inhabits inanimate matter and shapes it to his specifications.

Piecemeal can absorb additional matter in his environment through contact, assimilating it to increase the mass of his bio-psionically constructed form. This allows him to “shape & shed”: Absorbing raw materials, making them the same gelatinous nature of the rest of his body, then creating a new shaped mass out of a portion of himself and detaching from it. For instance, he once absorbed a large amount of debris into himself, extended his hand to form around and cocoon several other people, then broke off connection to the cocoon, leaving them trapped and him free to move independently. Piecemeal’s unique bio-psionic construction caused him to feed off of energy for sustenance, making him functionally immune to attacks involving directed energy discharges. He remained highly impact sensitive, however, presumably because his astral presence maintained only a very delicate connection to the construct bodies he formed to interact with the physical world.

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